What are the key contents of the BSCI audit?
How to pass BSCI audit faster?

     BSCI audit is a type of social responsibility audit. BSCI audit is also called BSCI factory audit, which is a type of human rights audit. Driven by the global economy, many customers hope to cooperate with suppliers for a long time and ensure that the factories are in normal operation and supply. They will actively promote suppliers from all over the world to accept BSCI factory audits to improve their human rights status. Improve social responsibility standards. BSCI social responsibility audit is one of the most recognized audit projects by customers.    

I. Main content of BSCI audit

        The BSCI audit is the first to audit the business status of the supplier, and the supplier needs to prepare the corresponding materials. The documents involved in the audit include supplier business license, supplier organization chart, plant area/plant floor plan, equipment list, records of employee deductions and disciplinary fines, and procedural documents for handling dangerous goods and emergencies, etc.

Followed by a series of investigations on the factory workshop site environment and fire safety, mainly including:

        1. Fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishers, and their installation places

        2. Emergency exits, escape routes, and their markings/signs

        3. Issues related to safety and health: equipment, personnel, and training, etc.

        4. Machinery, electrical equipment, and generators

        5. Steam generator and steam discharge pipe

        6. Room temperature, ventilation, and lighting

        7. General cleanliness and hygiene

        8. Sanitary facilities (toilet, toilet, and drinking water facilities)

        9. Necessary welfare and amenities such as wards, first aid kits, eating areas, coffee/tea areas, child care homes, etc.

        10. Dormitory/housing situation (if provided to employees)

Finally, random inspections of employees are conducted, and interviews and records are conducted on a series of issues such as workshop safety protection, welfare benefits, and overtime hours in the factory, to check whether there is child labor in the factory, whether there is discrimination, employee wages, and working hours.

II. The key in BSCI audit: zero tolerance issue

        1. Child labor

Child labor: workers under the age of 16 (different regions have different age standards, such as 15 in Hong Kong);

Minor employees: Workers under the age of 18 are subjected to harsh forms of illegal labor;

        2. Forced labor and inhumane treatment

Not allowing workers to leave the workplace (workshop) of their own accord, including forcing them to work overtime against their will;

Use violence or threats of violence to intimidate workers and force them to work;

Inhuman or degrading treatment, corporal punishment (including sexual violence), mental or physical coercion and/or verbal abuse;

        3. Three-in-one problem

The production workshop, warehouse, and dormitory are in the same building or on the same floor.

        4. Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety violations that pose an imminent and major threat to the health, safety, and/or life of workers;

        5. Unethical business practices

Attempt to bribe auditors;

Deliberately making false statements in the supply chain (such as concealing the production floor).

If the above problems are discovered during the audit process, and the facts prove to be true, they are regarded as zero-tolerance problems.

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